RIP: The Weekend

Mountains of Arizona
Clear 69 Degrees
6:45 a.m.

Back when I was living like a full blown muggle, I looked forward to the weekend. If I could just make it to Friday!

But there was a problem. Once I made it to Friday, it became obvious that Monday was right around the corner! All I had to do was make it until that next Friday and everything would be OK again… for like a minute.

And so life became a rollercoaster to nowhere, made that way by my mind and the cage I was living in that I could not yet see.

These days, “weekends” no longer exist.

Saturday is like Monday, which is a whole lot like Wednesday and Sunday. Thursday bears a striking resemblance to Tuesday.

I didn’t get rid of the weekend because I want to work all the time. I got rid of the idea of the weekend because I don’t want to live my life based on someone else’s arbitrary plan for it.

The script we’re supposed to follow is to work 5 days and have two days to live. Doesn’t that sound great!

No thanks.

So what happens now that weekends are GONE?

There is nothing to look forward to.

While some people might hear that and think it sounds depressing, that’s not how I feel it. I think that’s one of the most liberating things I’ve experienced actually.

If you’re not OK with what you’ve got right now, exactly as it is, then you’ve got some real work to do. Because no story you tell yourself is ever going to shift that fundamental issue. No set of circumstances, no amount of money or success or fame or relationship… nothing. You have to address that issue directly, on your own, without “going” anywhere. Ha. There’s nowhere to go!

For a lot of people (me!) this is hard work.

Because you are willfully resisting the prevailing slave program of the age. When you are OK now, you are literally impossible to control.

The work isn’t to CHANGE what is, the work is to fully embrace what is. From THAT point you can do whatever your heart desires.

You might think this has nothing to do with business. That all this talk about being content NOW is just for when you go sit on the top of a mountain and listen to yourself be.

But business is something done by humans. So this has everything to do with it.

What do you think happens to your ability to attract clients and customers when you’re OK with not having them?

You get more of them.

I didn’t make up the rules here, I’m just working to get them sorted out so we can get something done…