How to Get Everything You Don’t Want

Mountains of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 67 Degrees
6:55 a.m.

For as much as people say they want to change the world, it sure seems to be taking forever.

We have more tools, more insight and more knowledge than ever. And the main way we use it, at the moment, is to even more effectively divide one human from another. It’s easier to argue. It’s easier to bicker. It’s easier to point the finger at any of the other 6.99999 billion people who DON’T look back at you when you stand in front of the mirror. If you want to blame someone, you have more choices than ever before!

The average Joe and Jane have been manipulated into a position where they’ve become EXPERTs at getting exactly what they say they don’t want.

We’ve been trained to do that since an early age!

“What’s the problem here?”

“Who did this?”

“Who’s responsible for this mess?”

“Who’s at fault?”

“Who is right? Who is wrong?”

“Focus on the problem. Fix it.”

That’s what we were taught.

And we were taught that for a reason.

We were fooled into believing this is “normal” so we could be responsible for building our own prison. What an amazing plan. And look at how well it works.

But all this does is give more energy to the thing you don’t want. Lots of energy. And you know what happens when humans direct their power to create in that way?

They make things REAL.

I don’t know exactly how it works. I don’t know exactly why it works. I don’t know who or what made it all that way.

But I do know, that as far as my perceptive abilities allow me to see at the moment, this seems to be how things work.

And once you know this, you have a choice.

You can use this power consciously, or you can use it like a brainwashed sheep to do the bidding of others.

Who benefits from great masses of divided people? Who benefits from millions of folks scared of the unknown enemy out there? Who benefits from the anger that has never been integrated but now festers in each person, growing like a cancer waiting to be used as a weapon against others?

Ask yourself these questions and the answers will show up.

But you have the power.

And the minute you want to change this, you can.

The minute you want to withdraw from this current B.S., you can.

The minute you want to revoke your consent to feed this reality, you can.

There’s no reason to CHANGE THE SYSTEM. You only have to shift your awareness to creating the new one.

Ahh… but the system is ready for people like you. They have a program for dealing with you.

It begins with labels and symbols, very powerful magic mind you. But if you know that, you are ready for it and it is harmless.

People will call you idealistic.

People will call you disconnected.

People will call you indifferent.

People will call you aloof.

People will wonder if you’re human because you are not responding like the rest of the sheep according to the program.

People will call you anything they can think of calling you to ostracize, isolate, and keep the other sheep from feeling the vibration of your example.

All of this doesn’t change the choice we are all given every moment of every day.

You will create whatever you focus on.

Control that power or it will continue to be controlled FOR you.