Real Men Treat Lice

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 44 Degrees – 6:50 a.m.

What a week it’s been! Little did we know, that “sleepover” we had with some friends in town the other week, ended up bringing a few MORE little friends than we expected into our home.

And now, I sit here, as a somewhat self-made expert on the natural treatment of lice in kids. Yuck!

For the record, you can make a lot of progress with 10 parts tea tree oil to 1 part lavender oil coupled with an extra virgin olive oil regimen. Mix with 8 parts patience and you’re good to go!

The boys were unaffected, and the older girls barely affected. The two little ones took some attention, however.

And as I was standing there yesterday combing out their hair (the end is in sight!), my wife looked at me and said, “Real men treat lice.” I said, “Yes they do.”

So what can one open minded business man and searcher for truth learn from such an experience?

  1. This too shall pass. Nothing is forever. Not the good, not the bad, not the ugly. Take a breath, keep going.
  2. Your life path is set not so much from what happens to you but from your response to what happens to you. You can respond with fear, frustration, power, despair, whatever. The choice is yours!
  3. There is gratitude to be found in all things if you are willing to look hard enough.

The biggest lesson, however, is something that’s equally valuable in our personal life and in our business life. That is this:

Your enjoyment of everything (life and business) is directly connected to your ability to allow all of it to move through you without resistance.

When you say it out loud, only an idiot would resist WHAT IS. And yet, most all of us do it, most all of the time.

When there is little to no resistance, you can respond with clarity.