Prospective Clients Who Can Read Your Mind

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 74 Degrees – 1:48 p.m.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have some prospective clients who could read your mind? They’d know exactly what you were thinking so everyone would be 100% clear!

I imagine, if you asked them, your prospective clients wouldn’t mind it if you had the ability to read their minds as well.

We could all read each other and steer clear of a ton of frustration!

Unfortunately, I haven’t totally mastered the mind reading thing yet. So in the interim, it makes sense to sit down with yourself and think about whether or not you’re communicating, in a systematic way, the things your prospective clients need to know to make smart decisions.

Systematic means it happens without you having to remember to do it.

Why not start with answering this question: What are the things my prospects must know about me, about what I do and the results that are produced so they can make a smart (and quicker!) decision about working with me?

Once you start to get some things written down, ask yourself if/where this information is getting communicated.

Is it through your media platform?

Is it in a lead magnet you use to build your universe of prospects?

Is it in some sort of follow-up sequence each new prospect receives?

At the end of the day, after you get your business to a certain point, CLIENT SELECTION is what makes or breaks your success.

If you take up a portion of your life with the “wrong” client, you pay the price on many levels.

With the “wrong” clients, you tend to get reduced fees, increased hassle and decreased enjoyment of your life. And that’s just the short list!

So really, YOUR time is valuable. Your prospective client’s time is valuable as well.

Do the thinking required to help someone figure out whether or not they should take a step towards you or away from you.