Promises at the Edge

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 70 Degrees – 8:09 a.m.

I spent many years building little walls around my comfort zone. It’s safe to spend time in there. Or at least, that’s what it feels like.

Anything that took me to my edge, that boundary line between my reality and my unrealized potential, made me nervous.

You can stay away from this line, or you can choose to LIVE on this line.

If you’re making promises that keep you comfortable, that could be a sign you’re invisible.

That’s what I did for a while. Not risking much for anyone. Small promises all around!

For goodness’ sake, making big promises means, you have to keep big promises! You have to be accountable. And when you screw up or fall short (as you most surely will), you have to OWN that too!

If you’re making promises that keep you on your edge, that tends to lead to you being UNCOMFORTABLE. The trick is to stop viewing this as a “bad” thing and to start viewing it as a sign of growth in realtime. That feeling is what real growth feels like.

Take a look at the promises you are making to your prospects and clients…

Is it time to move closer to the edge?

No one ever changed the world with small and safe promises.

The edge is where life happens.