Pitching Your Tent in the Promise Land

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 52 Degrees

The way to build attraction towards you and your universe is actually quite simple:

Pitch your tent in the promise land (the place your client is trying to get to,) turn around to all of the people who don’t already live there and start distributing helpful advice to help them relocate within the city limits.

“But how will I charge for anything if I start giving free advice?”

If you’re thinking this, stop it. Retrain your brain at a much higher level — a level that is beyond the muck of lack. Remove the lack you feel when you think thoughts like this. Cut it out like the cancer it is. It serves no one.

Standing there stomping your feet about how valuable you are and how you won’t do anything without getting “properly compensated” only broadcasts your deep-seated belief that you aren’t truly valuable without external proof of that value.

Does the sun behave this way? No, it demands nothing. Think about that for a few moments. And then imagine what happens to the perception of you if you embody a similar power in your world?

If you’re going to walk the path of the Incomparable Expert™, then demanding payment isn’t something we do. We engineer situations where payment is graciously offered.


By earning a preeminent position in the minds and hearts of our prospects and clients.

I just released the latest issue of the Incomparable Expert™ Field Report. It’s all about Jay Abraham’s Strategy of Preeminence.

Jay could talk about this for days on end. I summed it up for you with actionable insights in 11 pages. And I even used a picture that took up a lot of space 🙂

If you aren’t already subscribed, you get access to this issue immediately upon signing up.