One of a Kind

Mountains of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 70 Degrees
1:58 p.m.

It’s almost impossible to stress just how much easier things are when you’re one of a kind.

You can’t be one of a kind for no reason. You have to be one of a kind in service of a problem people want solved.

But once you head in that direction, the list of benefits is long…

There’s no price ceiling for one of a kind.

There’s no annoying client that has to be tolerated for one of a kind.

There’s no set of terms that won’t be found acceptable for one of a kind.

Unfortunately, most business people can’t sit down and articulate what makes them or their organization/product/service unique.

People think they have to find an answer. But I think they’re asking the wrong question.

It seems one of a kind is not something you capture in an elevator pitch, it is something you express, in many small actions, over time.

This is where creating a media platform becomes valuable. It becomes the expression of you in a very special way.

It is valuable not only to the people you are trying to serve, but also valuable to you, the being on a quest to truly clarify what makes you and your offering unique.

Over time the world is shown the answer to that question.