My Night With An Alicante

The Client Letter
October 22, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 75 Degrees

Last night, at about 6:30pm, I began a 3 hour session with a wine expert helping him to build his Platform.

By 9:30pm, the list of ideas was pretty darn long. And frankly, they were awesome 🙂

I don’t know if I was born to do this kind of work, but I’m beginning to think that’s the case. Because I actually end up MORE energized after it’s over than when I started.

Ok… truth be told, all of this work was done over a bottle of Alicante he was gracious enough to bring. It was the first time I ever had that wine and it was awesome.

Just beautiful color. I’ll spare you with the wine geekery, but clearly, my work has its privileges.

Tonight, I’m going to help a lot more people begin the process of building a Platform to attract clients and business.

Whether you show up is completely up to you, of course.

For those that have registered, it’s going to relay what I’ve learned over the past few years building and using Platforms to grow businesses.

Even if you don’t show up, you owe it to your future success to investigate this topic and figure out how it could work for you.

For all of the client getting and business building tips, strategies and techniques out there, I’ve only ever found one that NEVER goes out of style. It never gets old.

And it’s the one that I practice each and every day.

Build your Platform. It takes some strategic thought at the beginning, but once you get it going, it’s really just a matter of making the decision to do the work.

You ready?

The Platform Launchpad webinar is tonight. Register here.