My Failed Experiment #4,537

The Desert of Arizona
Cloudy 69 Degrees

Years ago, I did a little experiment for a few months where I posted a piece of new content on my blog every single weekday. I guess you could call it the precursor to what eventually became this Client Letter, but that’d be a stretch.

There were a couple of things wrong with this:

  1. I was talking at people with things that made me look smart instead of focusing in on a single type of person (i.e. service providers) and using my content to SOLVE PROBLEMS.
  2. Apart from the actual content, I really had no larger message I was trying to convey.
  3. Any “sales funnel” I had was basically, “I write stuff and then you call me and hire me…” A little bit less than realistic right there. That’s a bit like going from first date to marriage in 20 seconds. Not going to happen.
  4. People had to remember to come to me. I couldn’t go to them. I could post a piece of content and beat it like a dead horse with social media, but that’s it. While it’s flattering to think there might be a few people thinking about me from day to day (hi Mom!), let’s be real: that’s not the case.

But I tried at least.

In addition to the issues above, I had a bigger problem. My internal motivation was all screwed up. The energy was wrong and it showed in the (lack of) results that were created.

Nothing happened. Zippo. Nada. Lots of eyeballs, zero results.

Here was the problem with the energy I was emitting:

I invested far more energy in WANTING things to be different than I did in creating a future where things would be different.

Think about that.

This was long before I encountered a book containing a very simple sentence that serves as a regular slap in the face when I need to be set straight.

If it is happening, it is required.

You might find that cynical, but I think that statement is extremely LIBERATING.

There’s no reason to invest energy in resisting what is. That’s insanity, in fact.

The way to change the future is to shift what you are doing now. Wanting something OTHER than what is is how you give your power away. Taking responsibility for what is and moving forward is how you KEEP your power.

Are you engaging in an activity (i.e. building a Platform) that will create a future more to your liking? Or are you investing all of your energy in fighting against what is at this moment?