The Desert of Arizona
Clear 65 Degrees

In the Platform Labs I run every now and again, we work through something I call your “big ideas.”

They basically sum up what your work as a service provider is all about. They are the foundations of what you stand for. When you have these big ideas clearly articulated in your mind, decisions are easier. Everything is easier.

When you are trying to think about what to publish for your Platform, “big ideas” make coming up with content fairly simple. The content you create demonstrates the big ideas. What this means is that your Platform begins to communicate the things that make you unique in a way that is deeper than the level of the word.

This letter is called The Client Letter. On the surface, it’s about working with clients. But we talk about things that are much deeper than that. And most of what I talk about is based directly on a few core “big ideas.”

Some of mine include:

  • Success in the client game has much less to do with how well you do what you do and far more with what you think and feel about how you do what you do.
  • I never chase clients. Things that are chased run away. Always attract. Always.
  • The system has not trained you to succeed. The system has trained you to look for a definition of and validation of your value OUTSIDE of yourself. You were told that is NOT something you have the authority to grant yourself. This is complete hogwash and a dangerous lie that needs to die. You are in charge of killing it yourself.

These are big ideas. Ideas that are intriguing. Ideas that pack an emotional punch. Ideas that can be demonstrated and talked about in an endless number of ways.

Do you have these? Do you have “big ideas” that communicate what makes you unique? Of course you do. Do you know what they are and are they clear in your mind?

That’s usually the problem.

In the work I do, I help people clarify ideas just like this. This is what I’m good at.

But in the absence of that, you CAN do this yourself. It might just take longer.

The trick is NOT to try. The trick is to discover these ideas not to “think” your way to them.

You discover them by starting your Platform as best you can. The clues then come back to you in the form of feedback from subscribers.

School taught us that you fail without the “right answer.” You have to start with the right answers or you won’t know what to do.

In life, you don’t need the right answers to start. In fact, the only way you get the answers is to make the commitment to travel for a while without them. The funny part is, it won’t be long until you realize that all those “right answers” aren’t even right. And then you’ll get about discovering better answers. The answers that are for you.

Let go of your brainwashing. It’s holding you back.