My Baby Picture!

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 82 Degrees
9:39 a.m.

Is it possible that you could read every business book ever written, take every course available, and STILL not manage to create the success you want?

It’s entirely possible.

In fact, I think it’s the most likely outcome unless you discover one very important thing.

Because information isn’t the key. We’re drowning in that. What we don’t have is a clear understanding about how each of us should best apply that information.

I didn’t discover my answer for this until about 2012.

What I found out during that year was how I’m wired to move through this plane and how I can make the right decisions for ME.

As it turns out, there’s an answer already waiting for you. And it requires no belief structure, it requires you following no one, it requires no giving away of your power.

It simply requires you to validate whether it’s right or not. (For the record, I haven’t yet found someone for whom it isn’t right on. Even the people who laugh at the idea and find anything like this completely preposterous. 🙂

This understanding fits on a single piece of paper in what’s called a Human Design Bodygraph.

There’s a picture of me right there! You could think of it like my baby picture. Ha! Except it’s just as accurate for me today as it was then. Actually, this is a picture of how energy moves through my body.

If you’ve never heard of Human Design, you can look it up if you’re interested in learning about you. I’m not in the convincing business.

At some point in the future, however, I’ll do something on this to help people who are interested. Because the impact of this on my life has been profound.

You can also download an entire newsletter I wrote once about it here. (Some of the info in there has changed regarding recommended resources. So let me know if you have questions.)

Human Design is an amazing body of knowledge. And it’s had probably the most immediately practical impact on my life of anything I’ve done… by a long shot.

And that’s why, I don’t work with someone for too long before I pull their Human Design chart and learn about them for a bit. Depending on the person, I can end up knowing more about them from a single sheet of paper than they do about themselves after 40 years!

When you’re truly interested in the path of the Incomparable Expert, understanding YOU is the foundation.