More Control!

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 84 Degrees
11:14 a.m.

As I’ve not so subtly mentioned in the past, I’m not a goal setting type person.

I don’t like perpetuating the super hero of my life mythos that I’m going to exercise complete control over reality so I can tell myself I “made it.” I don’t need the story. Not the story I’d tell myself if I achieved the goal, not the story I’d tell myself if I didn’t. I don’t want those stories. I’ve found better things to do.

I’m also not interested in goal setting because it strikes me as extremely arrogant that “my little voice” inside my head would think it should and could direct the show. I’ve noticed that the Universe seems to have a way things go. If you fight it, you waste your energy. If you flow with it, you watch magic happen.

Of course, we’re all taught to want and need control. Why do you think that is? Why would we all be taught that THIS is a quality worth investing time and energy to develop? (Well, what happens when you train an entire planet to chase after something they THINK they should have but don’t?) The proof is pretty clear that “control” doesn’t work as a life strategy. Try to control your world, see how that works out for you.

Seems like a miserable way to live to me. (I know it’s miserable because I did it for years!)

So what do I do with all of my time if I’m not pursuing my next goal?

I think the best word to describe it would be that you live in a state where you’re…


Ever evolving isn’t something you chase. You don’t hope for it. You don’t need to buy a planner. You don’t need any training or courses. You don’t hire a coach for it.

You just do it. It’s an act of being. It’s in the present moment.

You grow.

The best news is that, unlike that “big hairy audacious goal” we’ve been brainwashed into running after, you can have this other state RIGHT NOW. TODAY.

You accept it, then you go forward.