Making the World Better

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 84 Degrees
6:42 a.m.

Now that the Testimonial Wizard is alive and kicking, I wake up each morning and see videos coming in for clients from all over the world.

This testimonial, one submitted just last night for my wife’s work at the Indie Birth Association, got me thinking.

Sure it’s great to have people saying great things about you. But I’ve realized there’s something even more profound as I’ve been working on getting this service together.

When you see, hear and feel these people tell their stories, you are reminded that the work you do is real. And that by you being you, the world is becoming a better place.

Some people will make fun of highlighting this “softer side of business.” But this IS what business is about. It’s about living beings and helping them have better lives tomorrow than they do today.

It’s funny that the internet is capable of both connecting human beings AND reinforcing the perception of our own loneliness all at the same time.

But the truth is that, no matter how we feel, none of us is truly alone. There is always someone you can serve out there waiting for you to show up.

Never forget the importance of the work you do and the value of the people for whom you do it. They have families. They have hopes, dreams and fears for their lives. And you are making their life brighter by being in it.

That’s a profound honor and privilege.