
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 31 Degrees

RE: Mastery

I’m in the middle of a fascinating book by Robert Greene called Mastery. Highly recommended if you are interested in living a life of excellence.

I was approaching mastery in the music world years ago, but I didn’t have the maturity at the time to appreciate it. I was too interested in “getting somewhere” other than where I was. I let it slip away because it didn’t connect with me at my core.

This time it feels totally different. The pursuit of mastery is actually something that creates calm in my life. Because I know where I’m going (mostly 🙂 and I know what’s required to get there. And I’m OK with that.

What’s required isn’t glamorous or even exciting really. In fact, I (finally) view the work required to achieve mastery as such a privilege that I know deep down that “getting there” is no longer in question. Now it’s a question of how fully I can enjoy the journey.

As a service provider, mastery is a pretty powerful topic. On one level, you need to be great at what you do, otherwise you can’t get past a certain level of success.

On another level though, there are plenty of talented people who don’t know the first thing about transforming that talent into money. Because of that, they struggle.

Mastery is a big commitment, but it’s not a hard one. In my experience, when you finally get into it, it’s not hard. Because usually, mastery is something you pursue around an area you already enjoy in some way.

Some people might think it’s hard to sit down and write an email like this one, every day, for years. For me, it’s not hard. That’s because I’ve found the track to mastery that I’m supposed to be on. It’s just what I do.

Looking into 2014, what are your plans to build the business and life you are here to build? What level of mastery are you prepared to pursue?

On Monday, December 30, I’m making myself available to help you answer some of those questions.

From 10AM EST – 2PM EST, on Monday December 30, I’ll be speaking with 16 of YOU about your business plans for the coming year.

These 15 minute sessions (we’ll do phone or Skype) are without cost and there’s no fine print. But there are only 16 of them.

Check availability here.