Looking For Answers in all the Wrong Places

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 90 Degrees

RE: Looking for answers in all the wrong places

Had a few Platform Express consultations yesterday with clients from Canada and Australia.

During one of the consultations, I mentioned that I really don’t have many answers. In fact, giving answers isn’t really how I see my role when we’re strategizing a Platform.

Instead, it’s my clients who have the answers. I just dig out the raw material I need to see what they’re not able to see. Basically, I’m a mirror. I reflect back to people what they can’t see.

What makes you unique in the marketplace? I have no idea. But you do. You already know the answer, you just might not have conscious access to it.

This is a recurring theme both in business AND in life.

No one has your answers. So to spend your days trying to find those answers from someone else is kind of a waste. It’s a poor use of your energy.

You can get help from others, but that’s not the same as depending on them for your answers.

Actually, I’ve never really gotten any answers from others, I’ve only ever discovered them. And the way I’ve discovered them is by DOING things.

The answers are in the doing.

Thinking that any one person has the answers for you just sets you up for some pretty frustrating times.

At the moment, the Platform Express service is only available as part of this larger offering. If you have a service business and want help discovering your answers for how to position yourself in the marketplace, it might just be a good fit.