How to Flush $180K Down the Drain and Live!

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 90 Degrees

RE: How to flush $180K down the drain and live!

Years ago, I entered into a retainer arrangement with a client worth about $180K annually.

The bad news is that I had no idea what I was doing back then in terms of how to manage a LONG TERM client relationship. So basically, I flushed a bunch of that moolah down the toilet because I was “stupid.”

It stinks when you miss out on money. But to have it in your hand and then drop it… well that’s a new level of frustration right there.

The good news is that I’ve made up for it. It actually became a very valuable turning point in my life. In fact, had I not been through that experience (and others), I wouldn’t have developed the knowledge and skills that I have today.

Apparently it is true about the fact that what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. Or in my case… at least smarter. But in the short term, it can also empty your wallet!

It’s easy to wrap your head around losing out on money when you don’t get new clients. But most service providers don’t really think much about the money you can lose when you don’t know how to manage them.

Let it be known, you can make much more expensive mistakes AFTER you get the client than before.

And that’s why I’m hosting an online training on June 17 that is going to focus on major client management mistakes and how to fix them.

There’s something interesting about the folks that show up to an event like this. They tend to be “players.” They’re actually out there DOING it and so they see the value of this immediately. You see, client management isn’t sexy at ALL.

So the folks that are searching for silver bullets stay away. Client management just isn’t on their radar.

It’s not on anyone’s radar, until the clients start coming. But at that point, it’s too late. Because usually, by the time you GET the client, you’ve already sown the seeds of your own destruction. Oops.

So if client management isn’t on your radar yet, that’s fine… would it not be for one small detail.

Unlike every other online training I’ve done, this one will NOT be available as a standalone product. So if you miss it, you miss it.

In my experience, getting clients is far more straightforward than keeping them and maximizing their profitability.

It’s expensive to get a client. So getting the skills you need to maximize the profitability of those clients is really one of the best investments you can make in your future success.

In fact, I think it might just be as close to a “sure thing” as we get to in this business.

You already did the hard work to “get” the client. Don’t you think you should do what’s necessary to get paid well for it?

Get the details about the training here.