I’m So Confused

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 73 Degrees

RE: I’m so confused

Confusion is everywhere. It’s taken up permanent residence in the minds of your prospects and clients. Confused people don’t buy or take action. Confusion is not your friend.

Let me give you a quick example of how this is:

Hi my name is Jack. I’m from Red Umbrellas Inc., the world’s #1 source for red umbrellas. I sell red umbrellas. Would you like to buy a red umbrella?”

Prospect responds…

“You know Jack, we’ve been LOOKING for umbrellas for quite some time. But before we make a decision, we need to see your catalog to get the rundown on all of the different colors you offer. We’re not sure if orange or blue or green umbrellas are what we should get from you.”

This might sound like a funny joke, but it’s not. In fact, the reality of the situation is much, much worse.

Your prospects and clients are SO preoccupied with things in their lives, they are barely paying attention to you or what you have. This can be true even when they’re paying you a ton of dough.

So showing up with anything “complicated” is a major uphill climb. It’s not that they’re stupid, it’s that they have a finite amount of attention, and most all of it is already spoken for before you show up.

This is why offering 20 different services makes your life really really difficult.

What is most surprising, is what qualifies as “complicated.” I’m constantly surprised at what that definition truly is in the marketplace. It’s something that I didn’t understand fully until recently.

A few weeks ago, this page on my site provided access to over 10 different trainings and resources in client attraction, client management, success mindset and more.

Today, there are only 3 choices, as you can see. Far simpler. And I’m just getting started.

If you want to be clear to the marketplace, you need to embrace simple. Simple is better because simple removes the unnecessary. Simple means your message has a chance of getting through.

The whole 80/20 Principle is really about one thing: SIMPLIFICATION.

The benefit of this to you is FOCUS. When you simplify, you FOCUS more on less. This increases impact.

The simpler things are, the more effective they can become.