How to Work Less

The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 85 Degrees – 7:32 a.m.

How do you work less?

Do you shrink your dreams? Do you cut your goals down to a “realistic” size?

Maybe, maybe not.

The first question is probably to decide, for yourself, what work actually is. No one else can give you this answer, so don’t bother looking to others.

The second question is to figure out the size of the container you want to have for this activity.

That’s right, you actually get to choose!

So about that first question. No one can answer it for you, but I have answered it for me. For me, work is something I do that I enjoy that is valuable to me and others. If I don’t like it, I don’t really have a word for that. It’s not “work,” it’s just something I don’t do.

The system trained us to have a response to statements like this. “How arrogant! It’s great that HE can say that, but I actually have to pay the bills! ‘Everyone’ has to work!”

This is a program. That voice is the “training” talking.

Figure out what work is for you and what you’re willing to do and not do.

The next question is about time. How much of it do you allot to this work activity? How big is the container?

The way you work less is to change the size of the container.

Decide how much space YOU want to give it and make the rest of the adjustments from there.

We’ve been told to think that work is 8 hours a day (IF YOU’RE LAZY!), and WAY more than that if you actually want to be “somebody.” This is a bunch of B.S.

First, I don’t need to work hard so I can “be” somebody. I’m already somebody. So are you.

Second, who’s in control of your life? Isn’t it you? How much do you CHOOSE to work? That’s the question to ask yourself. No one else even gets an opinion!

If you find yourself saying, “I have too much work to do.” it’s time to fire up your will and your directive force and take control of yourself.

Who’s controlling your life that they gave you this work?

You have much more power than “they” would like you to know.

When you start using it, amazing things happen.