A Bug in the Moneymaking Program

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 90 Degrees – 8:38 a.m.

Virtually everything we think in our minds is a program we either gave ourselves or accepted from others.

Money is a big one. I had one moneymaking program growing up. I installed another one later in life. I was IN the program though. I was not aware of the program from the position of a conscious observer. It took me awhile to be able to stand back and SEE the programs for what they were: not ME.

But there’s a bug in the money program as it’s installed in most of us. The bug is that the program actually crashes once you get the money. Oops.

And by “get the money,” I don’t mean millions. I just mean getting enough above the threshold that you set your program to run at.

Then what?

The program has no answer, except to get more money. That’s all the program does. It directs you to get this thing you think you don’t have.

If you’re not ready for this program crash, it can surprise you and catch you unprepared. When the program you’ve allowed to crowd your vision crashes, you get this empty feeling. Because with the absence of the program, you’re left with yourself again! It’s like you lost your favorite teddy bear!

It reminds me of the pickup artists (my apologies to real artists) who have developed a grab bag of skills of ways to manipulate others (poorly) to get dates.

That’s a type of program they install in people. But their program has a bug too. It crashes once the relationship gets started. Those skills they teach have nothing to do with actually keeping anyone you care about around.

The way I’ve discovered to navigate through these money programs is to adopt a simple maxim:

Money is never the goal. Money is a graciously accepted byproduct of the goal. It is never to be pursued directly because that means you’ve been duped into channeling your life force to get something that is conceptually devoid of life. Money is created indirectly as a byproduct of doing certain things in this reality. That’s just the way it is. You can enjoy it without being controlled by it. It’s just part of how things work on this plane at this time.