How to Sell Without Needing Them to Buy

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 55 Degrees

There are two ways to pursue:

One is out of need, one is out of desire. Those are two very different energies. Wanting something is strong… needing something is weak.

This means that attracting things can be a proactive pursuit provided you do it out of desire and not out of need.

You can sell hard as long as you are clear (and you make it clear) that you don’t need anyone to buy. You can market hard as long as you are clear you don’t need anything to happen because of it.

If you think that sounds crazy, I just challenge you to try it.

This is basically a complete detachment from the results on an energetic/emotional level. This is not just a neat thought. It’s a feeling. You want to make sure you understand how these things FEEL different. Think about those two paths (desire vs. need) for a moment and let the FEELING of each one really sink into your gut.

But aren’t results the only thing that matters in business?

Maybe, but that doesn’t mean you have to care about them. In fact, the best way to get results is to focus on your actions and stop obsessing about what does or does not happen.

Ultimately, you have little control over outcomes. You have 100% control over inputs.

Dig more into this by reading a report I wrote called Power Positioning: How To Sell Without Needing Them To Buy. You can download it here.