Mountains of Arizona
Dark 36 Degrees
4:38 a.m.
There’s an interesting connection that’s promoted in the business world between success and speed. “Do it fast, get it done, throw it up against the wall and watch what sticks.”
There’s even a phrase, “success likes speed” or something along those lines.
This is yet another example of one of those thought forms I swallowed and chewed on for a long time without really thinking about its validity for me.
Yes, it does take time in our world to go from idea to material reality.
Yes, it does often require several iterations of something before it is refined and optimized to a point where it works.
But is faster better? Is faster a smart approach?
When you’re speaking about things like insight or clarity or making an impact on the world, “get it done” is not a helpful energy to have.
You don’t “push through” to get to the finish line faster because you are simply reinforcing your habit of getting to some place you’re not.
When you begin to view your work as moving off the spectrum of commerce onto the spectrum of artistic creation, the timing of things is not a top priority.
“Hey Picasso, hurry up with that next masterpiece. Your action plan said you were supposed to be done two weeks ago. Just get ‘er done and move on to the next one!”
When you feel pressured, or stressed, or that you’re living in a constant time crunch, just THINK about what you’re actually saying to yourself.
You’re saying that life, that thing that’s “out there” beyond you, is exercising this pressure upon you that’s “forcing” you to respond in certain ways.
But this is all a creation of your perception. You made it, you participate in it, you actually fuel it. But like all creations of perception, you can shift it immediately.
I’ve realized that, while we’ve been trained to perceive a lack of time in almost everything, there is actually plenty of time for everything worth doing.
And when you take off your blinders and focus on life and business in a different way, you begin to see large amounts of space and time available for you to create.
The world will look at you funny if you refuse to play the time crunch game. If you refuse to buy into the stress. If you refuse to hurry. If you refuse to race through your day. If you refuse to time block every moment of your life so you can be “productive.”
BEING IS PRODUCTIVE. It doesn’t require doing.
It all depends on how you choose to see it and how much you want to expand your mind.