How to Generate a “Position of Strength”

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 74 Degrees

I’ve talked before about a term Matt Smith, a client of mine, coined. The term is “Position of Strength.”

This is a very valuable idea in life and in business. I think about it a lot… and very deeply. It basically means, not being needy. Understand that you wield a very special type of power when you are able to do this.

This from an interview Matt did not too long ago:

When you think about it from a philosophical life perspective I think it’s critical that you not be needy of others to be happy or to achieve what you want in life. That’s sort of a good disposition to have. Frankly, that disposition is very attractive to others. People are generally repelled by people who are needy and very attracted to people who are strong and have that position of strength.

That pretty much sums it up right there. In the client game, this is uber importante. The question, however, is how do you GENERATE a “position of strength” like this?

You can’t talk about it. You can’t demand it. You can’t publicly award it to yourself. It is something you are GIFTED when you’ve earned it. That’s why it works.

A media platform is one way to generate this.

You show up with true value without demanding anything in return. You do it again and again. You become valuable in advance.

These are all good things. They help your prospective clients and they help you at the same time.

This is why I focus so much on this single topic. For “trusted advisor” type service businesses, I haven’t found a more effective way.

“Massive action” is overrated. That’s what you do if you don’t know any better.

But when you really THINK about where you want to go and how to get there, you realize it doesn’t have to be so hard. And it’s not.

The secret is to think better. The better your thinking, the better your result.

If the platform route seems like a smart way to go, the Platform Lab starts Tuesday.

I’ve added a more economical “do-it-yourself” version to the options. You can either go through the process with me LIVE in a small group, or you can go through it on your own and get my comments at the end.

I don’t often toot my own horn, but I will this time, because this is important.

If you’re looking for clarity about your message and how to communicate it to the right people, I’m not sure there’s anything I do better.

Either way, it starts Tuesday. Register now.

If you want to earn a “position of strength,” you need to use a strategy that leads to that result.