Controlling the Sale

The Desert of Arizona
Is It Fall Yet? Sunny 81 Degrees

You don’t control if or when people buy. I know it’s cool to think you do, but really, do you? I know I don’t.

For us experts, it’s even worse. Because the more you try to control when and if they buy, the more damage you do to your expert status.

Is a car salesman a “trusted advisor?” What do you expect him to say when you ask him if you need a new car?

He’s not a trusted advisor. Not even close.

Being a trusted advisor is about engineering the results you want, not forcing the results you want.

What we control are how many opportunities we offer for someone to buy. And we can exercise an enormous amount of control over how many people we offer those opportunities. And we control how well we solve the problems of our prospective clients.

There is no better place to be constantly “selling” than through a platform. It’s about the only way you can sell through demonstration without it feeling like that all the time.

Part of this comes from how you do it, the other part comes from the power of the implied promise.

When you are expected to show up, people aren’t surprised to see you when you actually DO show up.

Are you surprised I sent you an email today? Probably not.

Each month, I feature a new person who’s doing this in their own way. Each Incomparable Expert is totally different, but after a while, you begin to see common threads and trends that work.

If you want the best results, creating your own customized platform is the best way to go. But it’s really only for the top 5%. Most people simply won’t stick with it. That’s just the truth. But that’s who I’m here for. Despite what you hear, there’s plenty of room at the top.

So you may or may not “show up” right now in front of your prospective clients. If you do, do they know when you’re coming? That simple commitment makes a huge difference.

Simple things are sometimes the most powerful.