How to Do It VS Getting It Done

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The Client Letter
How to Do It VS. Getting It Done
Spread the Word – Friends Don’t Let
Friends Work With Bad Clients

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March 1, 2012
Sedona, Arizona

In elementary school and high school, there’s a clear line between the times you are learning and the times you are doing. Most of your day at school is focused on learning how to do things.

Same thing in college.

You go for four years or so and spend your time learning. Again, most of the focus is on how to do things. Then you’re supposed to go out into the world and do something.

It should probably come as no surprise after all of this training, but it’s easy to step out into the world and think that “how” you do things is important.

In fact, it’s very easy to lose sight of your real goal and become completely preoccupied with doing things right.

I know it’s an easy mistake to make because I’ve made it over and over again.

Take the fun and challenging game we call business as an example…

One way to play is to spend your days “following the rules,” executing based on how you’ve learned things are supposed to be done.

That means you take the knowledge you’ve learned in books and courses and basically follow someone else’s path to your goal.

The other option is to focus on the goal you want to reach, allow the time and space for your creative mind to deliver a unique solution and then go for it.

Instead of thinking so much about how to do things, make sure your focus is on actually reaching the goal.

Two changes to the Clients Suck Coaching Program. First, the program now includes a 30 minute phone call every week, not every other week. That change is immediate and is effective starting now. Second, the monthly fee for the program increases from $497 to $697 per month. That change goes into effect Monday March 5 at 12:01 AM EST. If you want to give your business a shot in the arm, submit your application before the price goes up. Any applications received before the deadline will be grandfathered in at the old rate. Get the rest of the program details here.

Instead of focusing so much on how you are supposed to do it, you simply focus on getting it done.

If this sounds like semantics, it’s not.

I know because I’ve spent a lot of time learning how to do things and making sure I knew those things cold.

Then months would go by and I’d look up only to ask myself, “Hey, what exactly are you trying to achieve here? Don’t forget to actually give that some focus man. You’re so preoccupied with doing things, you’re missing opportunities all over the place for reaching your goal more quickly.”

Don’t spend your time running down someone else’s path and trying to learn how to navigate it.

Spend your time clearing your own path and leveraging the knowledge and tools of others to help you.

In the end, it’s about YOUR path, nothing else.

See you next time,

Jason Leister
Editor, The Client Letter
Creating Success for Independent Professionals

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