How I Contracted the Success Virus

Sunny 91 Degrees
12:54 p.m.

I still remember when I first caught the success virus.

I was sitting in a bookstore in Tennessee most unhappy with my future as a church musician. I had just read the book, the Greatest Networker in the World by John Milton Fogg and was amazed at the story of someone living life on their own terms.

Now I had just started a network marketing business having ZERO clue I was totally not equipped for the journey. I had no idea who I was, I had no idea what I was doing, and I was scared to death of anything that went bump in the night.

But that didn’t keep me from being excited!

I was mostly excited by the idea that someone had figured out how to live a life that looked most unlike mine at the time.

My life was a rather predictable ride on an emotional roller coaster.

Monday was the best day of the week because, being a church musician, that’s when my weekend began.

And then Thursday would come around. That’s usually when it started. It would start like butterflies in my stomach. Only three days before the big Sunday “show” at church where I’d have to play for a ton of people and do everything in my power to be perfect.

On Friday, the pressure would increase. By Saturday, I’d spend quite a bit of the day at church getting ready.

Saturday evening was rarely a relaxed night. Everyone else was chilling out and I knew I was going in the opposite direction. Let’s turn up the heat!

(Just because you’re great at something doesn’t mean you should be doing it. But I didn’t realize that at the time.)

If I had understood ANYTHING about the vibratory nature of of the creative power of humans, I would have sorted things out a bit better. Because I was a fear factory running 24/7 just pumping out the raw material to fashion even more of it in my future.

You create the outward manifestation of the vibration you hold within.

So if you want to change your life, you don’t have to know the HOW, you have to change your vibration.

Lots of people will laugh at that idea. But those same folks will spend their lives searching for solutions everywhere BUT the only place they will ever find any.

You know why everyone is brainwashed to want to know the “how” about building success? Because the system made it that way so those folks never discover the truth.

The truth is that you are the creator.

Your vibration affects the raw material of the universe.

Success, then, is not a place at which you arrive, it’s a vibration you carry.

You can start today.