The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 72 Degrees
It’s really tiring to “fly by the seat of your pants” with each new prospect that comes into your world. Will this one become a client, will that one?
The longer I go in this business, the more I realize that I have no idea!
I used to focus on this question a lot though. That’s right, I used to focus on something that was outside of my control. And that is whether or not the prospect would become a client.
I know there’s that saying about how insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. I think we should retire that definition and replace it with this one:
Insanity is investing emotional energy trying to control things that are outside of your control.
What this means (according to me) is that most of the world is insane.
Make a commitment today to stop “flying by the seat of your pants.”
Make a process in your business for prospects to walk through. 15 minutes of critical thinking in this area could save you countless hours of frustration. But you actually have to do it to see the benefit.
Manage the process, observe the outcome. Rinse repeat, enjoy your life.
I talked a lot about this process/outcome thing in the last issue of The Rainmaker Letter.
Unfortunately, that issue is not available now at any price. The train has come and gone on that one.
The next issue is right around the corner. If you want a monthly dose of in depth client attraction material, subscribe today.