It’s Not You, It’s Me

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 72 Degrees

RE: It’s not you, it’s me

Forgive me today while I indulge my somewhat bizarre ability to relate just about every life event to some episode of Seinfeld. But here we go.

If you’ve never seen the episode where George does his “It’s not you, it’s me” bit, then take a look at that before you go further:

Watch the clip here.

This is exactly my approach with clients. As you probably know, however, I have this “nice-guy” gene that often interferes with me sending prospects on their way.

So I created a way to keep my “nice-guy” self from getting in the way. My salvation is process. (I recently did an online training about this. It’s now only available as part of Client Mastery.)

Before having a process for sifting and sorting serious prospective clients from those who aren’t a good fit, I was basically floating down the river swimming over to just about anything resembling a client.

In that situation, you run the risk of basically “reinventing” yourself, what you do and how you do it for each new person you encounter.

You mold yourself and what you’re offering in an effort to have them say “Yes.”

While some people might consider this the hallmark of “top shelf service,” my experience has shown these people to be absolutely wrong.

“This is how I work, this is what I do. If that doesn’t work for you, no problem.” That’s a far healthier and more efficient and effective approach.

Remember, it’s not about WHICH decision they make, it’s about making a decision and getting to the TRUTH in the shortest time possible so you can get on with your life.

And if you need the support, you can always use George’s line from Seinfeld. “I do THIS, in THIS way, at THESE times. If you don’t like that, no problem. We’ll just go our separate ways. Just know, ‘it’s not you, it’s me.'”