Getting Clients Now

The Client Letter
September 4, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 66 Degrees

If you venture out to the website of the average service provider, it doesn’t take long to realize that most of them take a very short view of things.

In other words, they want the client now and they do their best to get the client now.

Call me now, enroll today, sign-up below, reserve your spot.

Now, now, now.

It should come as no surprise that trying to build your business this way is extremely tiring.

I’m all for living in the now, but…

When you focus on getting the “transaction” from the getgo, guess what you get? You get someone who’s looking for a transaction. And people don’t want to pay a lot for transactions. They want cheap and they want fast. You don’t want to be in the cheap and fast business.

And those are NOT the clients you want.

You want the clients that focus on the relationship. And relationships aren’t something that you can download.

There’s no “instant access” available on those.

You BUILD those. You WORK on those. You INVEST in those. They pay off when they’re ready to pay off, not when YOU want them to pay off.

How’s that for a blow to your ego?

That’s why you build yourself a PLATFORM.

Here are just a few of the folks who have PLATFORMS that they employ for various purposes:

  1. Seth Godin
  2. Bob Lefsetz
  3. Dan Kennedy
  4. James Altucher
  5. Amanda Palmer
  6. Bill Bonner
  7. Dave Ramsay

Now it’s obvious from the list above, that PLATFORMS come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are slick, some are old fashioned, some are in your face, some are understated and graceful. Some are in the form of books, or blogs, or podcasts, or emails.

It really doesn’t matter what it looks like as much as how it operates.

In my book, this is the purpose of a PLATFORM:


To me, that’s how you get clients you actually want to work with. That’s how you get clients who will gladly do business on YOUR terms.

That’s how you build strong relationships with people all over the world. You don’t even have to ever MEET them, the trust is there anyway. Because you’ve made enough deposits in the trust account to overcome any obstacle created by geography.

Here’s the rub with the PLATFORM…

You actually have to build it.

There’s always a catch, isn’t there? Just when you think you found “the thing,” it always leads back to the same old spot:


What does your PLATFORM look like? How are you consistently demonstrating value?

If you’re not doing that, you’re going to have a problem if someone else in your space IS.

Today’s the day to get started.

If you need help, get it. It’s not cheap, but we’re talking about the FOUNDATION of your future business here. You don’t want cheap.