Following the “What Doesn’t Work” Breadcrumbs

The Client Letter
August 13, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 60 Degrees

Everyone’s always looking for “what works.” Our society is rather obsessed with it, actually.

What works for this…

What works for that…

For some reason, I’ve apparently been tasked to walk the journey of what doesn’t work.

For me, the only way I’ve ever stumbled on what does work is by wading through piles of #*&$^ that doesn’t work.

It can get to you if you let it. But that’s only because we’ve been trained to value what does work and not value what doesn’t work.

But on the journey to your goals, both outcomes are equally as valuable.

It’s just as valuable to know what you want as it is to know what you DON’T want.

And it’s just as valuable to discover what doesn’t work on your journey to find out what does.

To the average person, trained by the system to be fixated on outcomes, this sounds crazy.

But the system really isn’t interested in your enjoyment of your journey through life. The system is only interested in what they get from you. That’s why they focus you on outcomes to the exclusion of everything else. It might be productive, but it’s hardly human.

Discovering “what doesn’t work” is like a trail of breadcrumbs. In those things are clues that you can use to lead you to “what does work.”

But you’ll never find those clues if you just sit around waiting for “what does work” to show up on your doorstep.

The point is to stop telling yourself the story you’ve been programmed to tell: that finding what “doesn’t work” is somehow bad, or a failure.

That’s B.S.

There’s no right way to get clients. There’s only the way that works best for you.

How could there be one way to get clients when you’re selling a product (you) that’s not available anywhere else?

For me, I’ve chosen the slow and steady route to attracting clients. And if that resonates with you, then you’re in the right place.

For me, going for the jugular like some overbearing sales guy DOESN’T WORK.

Weaving a web of value, building a solar system of attraction, being valuable in advance DOES WORK.

For me, showing up DIFFERENT works.

And if “showing up different” is something you want to do too, then this will help.