Do You Say or Do You Go?

The Client Letter
January 7, 2013
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 43 Degrees

I find people fascinating.

Just today, I was waiting at a stop light and I saw a guy walking down the road who looked like he should have been on stage with the Grateful Dead.

I look at people like that and I have this natural interest to know the story behind those people.

On one hand, people are extremely unique. We have billions of unique beings running around all over the place.

On the other hand, it seems that all people end up in one of two groups.

You have the talkers, and you have the doers.

People who say they will do things, and people with little need for talking who just get on with the doing.

Which path do you think leads to a fuller life?

They say talk is cheap.

It’s worse than cheap.

Because if you’re not awake and aware, it’s easy to fool yourself that talking is progress.

It’s not. I’ve tried that enough times to have proven that talking gets you nowhere.

From what I’ve seen, it seems like talkers talk because they’re more interested in the validation of their big plans by others than they actually are in making those plans happen.

Living for validation from others is a dead end. And if you start doing it with your clients, you’re in for a long and miserable road.

Do what you want. Live life on your terms.

Take that courage and start to act in the direction of your dreams.

You don’t need anyone to tell you it’s OK to want what you want. All you need is your own approval.

From there, it’s about action.

I just made available the replay of last week’s “How to Build a Client Getting Website” webinar.

This is an opportunity for action. Action to increase the results your website produces in your business.

Here’s what Kevin said about how it went:


Awesome webinar, Jason – it was great to watch you outline the thought process behind your evolving marketing process, and your concept of how to design an irresistible lead magnet was worth more than the price of admission all by itself. I’ll definitely be watching this presentation again (and taking better notes this time). Cheers,



Here’s where you can read all about it: