Decentralized Client Attraction

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 62 Degrees
7:04 a.m.

There’s an interesting gift you get to receive when you build a platform spiral and media platform and use that approach to bring clients into your world.

I guess some people might not consider it a gift, but I do.

The gift is that you get to give up trying to control other human beings.

“Control of others” is a rather anti-human characteristic that somehow worked its way into business.

Just look at how most people “sell” and you see that their thought processes are largely based on figuring out how to control the responses of other human beings.

We even hand out awards for certain people who master this.

But you don’t need to do it. In fact, the clues are everywhere that this simply isn’t going to fly too much longer.

Take the plight of the “middleman” as an example.

He used to be in a good spot. He used to be sitting right at the “toll booth” through which people had to pass to get certain things done.

He got to control things like a puppet master.

And then…one day, someone found a way around the toll booth.

Oops. Bye, bye, middleman…

One way you can think about this is:

Decentralization = Human. Fluid. Resilient.

Centralization = Not so human. Rigid. Brittle.

Eventually, what’s in the best interest of human rises above everything.

Just look at what’s happening out there in the world right now. Systems of domination and control are crumbling and disintegrating.

Centralization and its “efficiency” come at a price. And the price is CONTROL and/or the lack of it, depending on your position.

The platform model is different.

There’s no centralization.

I have no idea from which directions clients will come. I have no idea which exact path they will take to get to me.

All I know is that they find their way the way THEY want to do it.

With the platform spiral model, you give up trying to “control” anyone and you simply watch and adjust the process you’ve created for allowing someone’s journey from having a problem they want solved to solving that problem through you.

This isn’t a hot topic with the alpha-sales guys who back their prey into a corner and brag about it. So I don’t get invited to conferences to share this stuff.

I just share it with you…