Counterintuitive Client Secrets

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 80 Degrees

RE: Counterintuitive client secrets

There’s a lot about the working with clients business that isn’t exactly obvious.

Who would think that the best way to get clients is not to chase them?

Who would think it’s possible to get more clients by raising your fees?

Who would dream that talking less about you could make you more interesting to others? How can they even be interested in you if you don’t say much?

All of these things are weird but true. I know, because they’ve all played out in my own experience.

I thank my lucky stars that I figured some of these counterintuitive things out over the years. I either came in contact with someone who clued me in or I got so tired of annoying situations that I figured some out myself.

Like I said, I’m very grateful. Otherwise, I might be out there on the street corner yelling at the top of my lungs offering a free consultation to anyone willing to listen.

It only takes a few of these secrets to really make some dramatic progress in your own business.

The not chasing clients one might be the most exciting, but drastically raising your fees would probably deliver the most immediate benefit to you and your lifestyle.

No matter which secret you choose to put into action, there are more to discover. Secrets about working with clients that aren’t obvious. In fact, they’re often the opposite of what any sane individual might think is the best way through.

Every month, I sit down and chronicle some of these things and send them to service providers all over the world in the Rainmaker Letter. It’s really my best work. Think of this Client Letter, but on steroids (the healthy kind 🙂

I’ve been trying something rather crazy lately with the Rainmaker Letter subscription and offering a full 2 month trial for $6.95 Shipping & Handling.

Needless to say, it’s been popular.

But I know there are plenty more service providers out there who could benefit from what’s in each issue. But rather than “sell” you on it, I just choose to show you and let you decide for yourself.

I’m not sure if this will stick around or not, but really, what secrets are you missing that could be yours for just a few dollars?

You can find out here.