Change the Way You Look At Things

The Desert of Arizona
The Sun is Sleeping Late 52 Degrees

NOTE: At 12PM-12:30PM EDT TODAY I’ll be offering a free Q&A session over on the Art of Clients Facebook page. Come over and say hi or ask a question about mindset, client attraction, client management or whatever you want.

“Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.” -Wayne Dyer

Right there in that one sentence is an extremely powerful secret for life improvements on all levels… including the level of business.

As consultant Alan Weiss (you should get everything he’s got) always says, (and I paraphrase), “The first sale is always to yourself…”

If you can’t make that first sale, how are you going to make any others?

But wait, before we even answer that question, riddle me this:

What’s the thing we’re even “selling” to ourselves?

Well, what you’re selling to yourself is clarity about what you do, for whom you do it, and why your unique approach to that doing makes you far more valuable for certain clients.

You do this, you don’t do that. You work with these folks, you don’t work with these folks. You stand for X, you stand for Y and the unique way you achieve Z is something that sets you apart from every other choice your client has.

If you’re out there wondering what the next step is, that’s not a problem, it’s more often a symptom of a problem, which is a lack of clarity.

When you have this type of clarity, these “next steps” tend to appear with much less effort.

You could say that along with this clarity should come a commitment. A commitment to the clarity you’ve defined. When you are committed, decisions become easier.

Do I buy this ad? Do I market over there? Do I work with this client?

These can all be difficult questions if you aren’t clear on what you’re about and for whom. With that clarity, these decisions can be made in a blink.

It’s all about clarity and direction. Do you have it? Do you know where it’s hiding for you?

For most service providers, it’s hiding right in front of your face. But due to your training, you just can’t see it.

But finding it is work worth doing. When you find that thing that sets you apart, the way you look at yourself CHANGES. And just like Wayne Dyer says, that act of changing the way you look at you actually CHANGES you. Chew on that for a moment.

The funny thing is this: while I can’t always see this for myself, I do seem to be able to see this for others. It took me a while to be OK with that, but I’m OK with it now. It’s kind of like a cosmic joke that I’ve finally accepted. (Ha, ha universe you are hilarious!) In fact, if I had to say I was world class at anything, THIS would be it.

I can help people see what is unique and valuable about their work with clients and articulate that into a message that is clear, concise and powerful.

I’ve taken WHAT I’M ABOUT and packaged it up in a way that I can share it with you in the form of the Incomparable Expert Transformation.

It works and I believe in it 100%. And the resulting clarity that can come from that process is pretty darn valuable.

This week only, use coupon code INCOMP4 and receive your Incomparable Expert Transformation for only $497.

The last time the fee was in this territory, I got slammed with these, so I reserve the right not to do that to myself again. Reserve your spot sooner than later if you are interested.