Buying the Lie

The Desert of Arizona
Full Moon 47 Degrees – 6:31 a.m.

I lived, for quite some time, under the impression that I was missing a few secrets required to “make it” building the life I wanted.

I spent the first 23 years of my life with strangers tasked with filling my head with “knowledge” they had never themselves critically vetted. Most of it, I’ve found out, is a complete fabrication built to control minds and spirits. They didn’t create it, they just passed it on. Thanks!

But what can you possibly do in this world without a college degree, or without the proper training, or without the blessing of the “authorities?” What will happen if you go out into the world without the proper sheep training about how not to think or the habit of making decisions based on the opinions, mores and values of the mindless masses?

Well, the answer is that you can do whatever you want. And that’s a problem for the powers that be, now isn’t it?

Through my schooling years, my teachers thought their goal was to “prepare” me for life. Unfortunately, they had no idea that what they truly prepare people for has little to do with actual LIVING. I JUST started doing that (living) not long ago, and now I’m making up for lost time.

You see a lot of people complaining in this day and age about all of the “scam artists” out there selling people lies. Facebook is full of people with too much time on their hands that spend it spewing their opinions about these folks.

But people are free to sell whatever they want.

It’s BUYING the lie that is the problem. Worse than that is when you buy the lie and then place the blame for that act on someone else.

We were trained to “buy the lies,” by the way. And when we discover the lie, we are trained to transfer responsibility for that to SOMEONE ELSE…to anyone else.

The system trains you to look everywhere for what you feel like you are missing EXCEPT the only place you will ever find that thing–which is inside your own being.

So what happens when you stop buying the lie?

You do that long enough and you might discover parts of yourself the world would rather have you NOT discover.

You’ll discover those parts of you that ask questions. You’ll discover the parts of you that can get the answers. You’ll discover the truth that you’re not broken, that you’re not damaged or evil or a terrible being requiring redemption. And you’ll discover the parts of you that provide an internal compass for how you live your life.

This power you have is yours to retain or yours to give away.

You don’t need a teacher, you don’t need a leader, you don’t need a wizard with a fancy hat to show up and save you.

These are lies told to control you, to keep you from remembering, to put into shadow what the “system” fears most.

What they fear most is the day you wake up and realize the truth: that you can lead yourself.