Attracting Better Clients

Mountains of Arizona
Sunrise 36 Degrees
6:40 a.m.

On January 1, 2007, I hung out my shingle as a copywriter. That started my never ending journey to attract better clients over time.

The plan seemed pretty straightforward:

“I just have to say certain things. I have to do certain things. I have to look a certain way. If I can just figure all of that OUT, then it’s going to work. I’m going to attract better clients than the ones I have.”

Unfortunately, I completely misunderstood the task at hand.

I allowed my mind to take over and plot my journey to where I wanted to go.

I had no understanding that my journey was a product of who I was being. The journey is the effect. The cause is who you are.

If you want better clients, become worthy of better clients.

How do you do that?

Become a better version of yourself.

How do you do that?

Most of the progress actually comes from NOT trying to be like everyone else and then AMPLIFYING what is left by choosing to serve far more people, without condition, than you could ever work with.

This means you have to work through any fear you might have about actually showing the world the REAL you.

How does the best version of yourself act, speak, treat others, approach challenges, lead clients, respond to prospects, set fees?

Does the best version of yourself seek accolades or validation or approval or permission?

Does the best version of yourself cower in fear of reprisal when things don’t “work out?”

What this really comes down to is love.

How much love can you embody as you move through your world?

I doubt you’re going to read anything about love in a marketing or business book. But that’s only because people are scared, scared of what others will think if they mention something like that.

The reason you focus on the love is become it seems to be impossible to embody love while at the same time entertaining fear or any kind.

It makes you better because it moves your default state closer to the real you.

And THIS is the act that slowly rearranges your reality to fill it with beings who resonate with what you are emitting.

THIS is the act that will create the “better” clients.

It might not happen overnight, or it might happen overnight. That’s not the point.

The point is that it’s YOU who has the power to create this. This is what you are capable of doing all because you choose to.