About Rejection

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 42 degrees

RE: About rejection…

Here’s a question for you:

Is it possible to get rejected if you never had any interest in getting accepted?

I think rejection might cease to exist.

But if you’re not trying to get accepted (by your prospects or clients), then what exactly are you trying to do?

How about setting your sights on doing something great?

That’s really what the internet makes possible. You can do something great and then attract the right people to that.

You couldn’t do that 100 years ago. You couldn’t do it 50 years ago (not without a ton of money to spread the word). You couldn’t even do it as easily 10 years ago.

Today, you have no excuses. The tools are there, the people are waiting. You just have to SHOW UP.

What “great” looks like for you might vary from what it looks like for me. Doesn’t matter at all. All that matters is where you set your focus.

Because when you’re focused on doing great things (for your prospects, clients, customers, the world), you take your focus and mind energy off trying to get accepted.

Are you focused on doing great things, or are you just trying to make money?

For me, focusing directly on making money does not work, has never worked, might never ever work. I will never know, because I’ve given it up as a goal I’m willing to write down.

I have accepted that, for me, money is only a byproduct of something else that must come first.

Crazy you say? Actually, it’s a door to being free.

It’s about the only way I’ve found to take the possibility of “rejection” off the table.

Every moment of our training has prepared us to carry a never ending need for approval from the outside. It affects our thoughts, our behaviors, our interactions with other people, even what we say to ourselves all day long.

But it takes energy to engage in this behavior. It takes energy to watch if that approval is coming in. It takes focus to monitor the situation.

What if you were too busy pursuing great things to have any energy to give to that?

I think you’d transform yourself, and from that transformation would ripple a different flavor of energy through everything you touch.

I dare you to try it. P.S. At midnight EST tonight, the Platform Express fee jumps to almost double. So if you want my help putting your Platform together the smart way, time is running out. Get onboard here.