It’s Very Easy to Be Different

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 41 degrees

RE: It’s very easy to be different…

I’m reading a biography of Jony Ive right now. He’s the SVP of Design at Apple, Inc.

Jony talks a lot about the story of a product. When he talks about that, the place he begins that story is with the end user. That is what matters, after all. How the products impact the lives of the customers. When you’re positioning yourself in the marketplace, you’re basically communicating the story of you.

In order to communicate that story, you have to have one. And it needs to be told in a way where your prospects actually care about it. That’s why you start with your client as the focus and work from there. To get noticed, your story needs to be different. That’s step 1, but it’s not the end. Differentiation gets you attention, it does not seal the deal.

Here’s a quote of Ive’s that pretty much nails what we’re trying to do:

“It’s very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better.”

The way you tell your story and the positioning you create for yourself needs to communicate that you are better in some way.

Not a better “person,” a better CHOICE.

When I’m working with a Platform Express client, we’re looking for the right way to communicate how you’re better. We want to do it in a way that nails people right between the eyes. Clarity and simplicity are the keys.

You can do this with words, you can do it with action (my favorite method), you can use a combination.

No matter what method you choose, the goal is the same. What makes you a better choice for your clients over all of their other choices?

You want to learn to see that answer. Or get help if you can’t.

Remember, tomorrow is the last day to enroll in the Platform Express before the fee jumps. So if you want my help putting your Platform together the smart way, time is running out. Get onboard here.