I Didn’t Pay Gary Vaynerchuk a Cent to Say This

The Client Letter
October 24, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 60 Degrees

I didn’t pay Gary Vaynerchuk a cent to say this.

But today my friend sent me a video just released by Gary that you should watch. If you’re not familiar with that name, you should be.

Gary made a name for himself by creating the popular Wine Library TV internet show. Just about every day, for years, he made a new episode talking about wine.

Gary created a Platform that got him on Conan, a pretty sweet book deal and more.

All from free videos. From a free Platform.

Gary understands the power of a Platform. In fact, he says you’re pretty much invisible if you don’t get one.

Watch his video and ask yourself what YOUR plan is. How do you remain relavent to your prospects and clients?

If you want to know how to do this, the recording of The Platform Launchpad is now available here. But first watch that video.

P.S. Remember, this is a process. The first episode of Wine Library TV had a whopping 27 viewers. 27!