The Revolution

The Client Letter
May 8, 2013
The Northland
Sunny 41 Degrees

Just think how you could mess with the head of a cheetah if you sent him to school to learn how to fly like a bird.

He’d fail out of every class. Such a failure he’d be.

He might do well enough in the theory classes like “The Basics of Flying 101” and “The History of Birds in Flight”… but once he got to the classes that required practical application, he’d be toast.

But that’s just the beginning. Eventually, he’ll ask himself why he can’t fly like the other birds. He’ll start wondering what’s wrong with him. And then he’ll go wandering around in an effort to find a solution to his “problems.”

Pretty soon, the poor cheetah will have no idea who he is. And worst of ALL, he’ll wander far, far, FAR away from the very thing that makes him great.

Does this sound familiar?

You might think this is a silly little story. Well, it WOULD be silly if millions of human beings weren’t suffering in the same type of situation as our poor cheetah.

I don’t know you very well. So maybe you ARE mediocre just like the cheetah who’s trying to be a bird. But I doubt it. I really doubt it. More likely is that you, like the cheetah, have just been temporarily blinded to what makes you great.

If I had to put money on it, I’d bet on the latter.

In the client business, being GREAT works. It attracts like moth to a flame.

There’s a lot of work required to do something great. But it all starts with clarity. Clarity about your greatness.

You’ve been given an advantage somewhere, in some area of your life.

Do you know where it is? Do you know how to communicate it?

Or has the training you received from “the system” blinded you to it?

The system doesn’t want you to see. That’s why it bombards you with a long list of activities to pursue, things you “must” learn and boxes to put you in.

Take the kid with A.D.D. who can’t sit still in class.

Ask yourself who the one with the problem is? The kid with ADD who can’t sit still, or the kid who has been so well trained that he actually CAN sit still for 8 hours and listen to someone tell him what to think.

Of course most people are mediocre at most things. Can a hammer screw in a screw? Of course not.

“No one has time to do more than a very few things well before he is twenty, and when we force a boy to be a mediocrity in a dozen subjects we destroy his standards, perhaps for life.” -C.S. Lewis

The primary goal here isn’t one of becoming something you’re not. It is one of uncovering what is already there and then building on that.

The work to be done is to develop the ability to see yourself with clarity and understand what you bring to the lives of your clients.

This is a process. And there is help if you need it.

In the end, me thinks it’s time for a revolution. 🙂

Not a violent revolution. What I’m talking about is far more powerful.

This is a revolution of the mind. A revolution of the being. A revolution of you.

You ready?