How to Be Valuable First

The Client Letter
May 7, 2013
The Northland
Sunny 60 Degrees

The simplest way to create your own leads is to start talking about things that are naturally of interest to your future clients.

I’m a copywriter and an entrepreneur who is (hopelessly) addicted to selling ideas online.

Most of my clients are interested in those things as well. So that’s what I talk about. I like talking about it, I’m good at talking about it, and I provide helpful information that can move them forward in some way.

That’s what I do… week in, week out… sometimes with audio, sometimes with email, sometimes in the mail.

I keep chopping the wood and carrying the water and let the rest take care of itself.

You give first, you get later.

When you’re in “giving mode,” the focus isn’t on what you do. The focus is on where your clients are trying to go and the obstacles/challenges/problems standing in between them and that destination.

Prospective clients will ignore you if you talk only about you. So when you’re selling you, it’s best not to talk much about you. Weird… but true. This is especially true on the phone, which you can learn about here.

Your potential clients will not ignore someone who clearly understands their situation and has helpful insights and comments to make.

So what are you going to talk about that’s interesting/helpful/valuable to your potential clients?

Do you like talking about that topic enough to do it long before the payoff comes?

And what happens when someone expresses interest in what you do? What’s the next step after that? Have you thought that through?