The Client Letter
September 5, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 67 Degrees
From the Client Manifesto…
Here’s a question for you: Do you know what happens when you stop needing anything from anyone?
Do you know what happens when you go through your life and your business dealings looking to give rather than receive?
I’m not talking about giving backed by intent that reeks of need for validation or recognition, I’m talking about giving without want of any kind.
It’s pretty magical what happens when you do that. It’s totally counter intuitive, but when you stop pursuing your wants and start helping others satisfy their own, something funny happens.
Everything you’ve been wanting shows up.
People show up.
Clients show up.
MONEY shows up.
Hot diggity dog.
Living without want is the path to freedom. Living without want communicates the understanding that you are whole. You need nothing because you lack nothing.
The world finds that incredibly attractive because, at this point in time, this “lack of need” is in very short supply.
While this might sound like something you’d find on the bookshelves of a metaphysical bookstore, it’s actually very practical knowledge.
In other words, you can use this to grow your business, to attract clients and more.
This is the secret to developing an attractive force all around you.