Killing Phone Tag

The Client Letter
September 6, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 80 Degrees

I hate phone tag. I’ve said many times that it’s one of my missions to create something that absolutely kills phone tag.

In the meantime, here’s a tool I’ve been using for a while that eases the pain just a bit.

Sadly, I don’t use it enough. Yet 🙂

It’s a site called

The first thing you’ll notice is that it’s totally fugly. Looks like it came out of the mid 1980s.

But it works.

It allows you to setup times that you are available for appointments like client consultations and then make that schedule available to the public.

Instead of playing phone tag with your clients, they simply choose an available time.

I use this for Mastermind sessions and scheduling certain client consultations. It’s a beautiful thing.

When you’re a one-man-band service provider, you have to protect yourself from wasting time. Your time is valuable. Just think if all of the time most people waste playing phone tag could be saved and used for better things… like actually enjoying your life?