Less Information, More Value

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The Client Letter
Less Information, More Value
Spread the Word – Friends Don’t Let
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March 15, 2012
Sedona, Arizona

Business owners have access to way too much information for their own good.

No one needs more information. They need more value.

What is missing is the right information at the right time to help them in their specific context.

Of course that’s what a consultant does. A consultant provides value by matching the right solution to a specific problem or opportunity.

When access to information used to be valuable in itself, that was enough. But now, access to information is available to anyone with an internet connection, so its inherent value is diminished.

What that information can help someone achieve (in the right context), however, is more valuable than ever.

So it’s time to focus on that instead of simply delivering a ton of information.

Product launches are a great example of this…

During the typical internet product launch, you get sent a ton of free stuff. Maybe it’s an e-book, maybe lots of emails, maybe some videos, maybe a 459 page manifesto or something.

That used to be perceived as value by me.

Now, I just find it annoying. That’s because time is more important than the “secrets” that are being shared.

I have too much information and too little execution.

And I am not alone.

“Just show me what you’ve got so I can move on with my life,” is more my attitude at this point.

Do you think you’ll ever have a client call you and say, “Please Mr. Business Owner sir, enough with the value. Stop sending me value.”

I don’t think that’ll ever happen.

But information no longer equates to value, because the bar has risen.

People have too much information. And if it’s your business to sell them more, then you might think about how to keep your value a welcomed guest.

When it comes to information, less is better. Help people achieve more by ingesting less. That’s the challenge.

See you next time,

Jason Leister
Editor, The Client Letter
Creating Success for Independent Professionals

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