Act Like You Belong

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The Client Letter
Act Like You Belong
Spread the Word – Friends Don’t Let
Friends Work With Bad Clients

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March 2, 2012
Sedona, Arizona

This week, I’m in Washington D.C. at Yanik Silver’s Underground Online Seminar.

I’ve helped promote several of these, but this is the first one I’ve ever attended.

I’ll be speaking on Sunday as part of a partnership between Yanik and Early to Rise.

To be plugged into energy like this is a really nice jolt to the system. Especially since I’m a bit of a hermit, building my empire from a remote corner of Arizona.

One of the secrets to success is to always make sure you’re the “dumbest” person in the room. Your ego might not like it, but it’s best to just get over that and take a longer view than the short term condition of your ego 🙂

By constantly surrounding yourselves with people who are better connected and more successful, you grow.

That’s true no matter what position you find yourself in right now.

But that’s not all you have to do to get where you want to go.

Because when good things start happening, you have to make sure you do your part, in the moment, to accept them.

It should be obvious to everyone that success rarely shows up on its own. You have to work for it.

And even then, when it appears, it’s easy to squash it and push it away.

Sounds crazy, but we do it all the time.

And the main reason for that is that when success shows up, if you don’t act like you deserve it, it will leave.

The key card to my hotel room has an interesting phrase on it. It says, “Walk in like you own the place.”

That’s pretty bold, but the point is clear.

The only successful way to go through life is to act like you belong. To act like you deserve it.

(There’s no real reason you don’t deserve it. Any reason you have is simply a story… which you can change.)

Don’t wait to feel successful before you act successful. Do it now.

If you don’t act the part, lasting success will not show up.

You will not be invited to the table if you are sending out the energy that you don’t feel you belong there.

Don’t go through life acting like you don’t belong.

You deserve to be here. And the rest of the world will believe that too, as long as you take the lead.

See you next time,

Jason Leister
Editor, The Client Letter
Creating Success for Independent Professionals

P.S. Monthly coaching goes from $497 per month to $697 per month starting Monday. Don’t miss out if this could help you move forward. Get the rest of the program details here.

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