Mountains of Arizona
Before Sunrise 28 Degrees
6:10 a.m.
Many thanks to my client who sent me this quote…
Consensus: “The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead. What great cause would have been fought and won under the banner: ‘I stand for consensus?'”
― Margaret Thatcher
It leads me to ponder a question…
If no one is objecting to what you’re doing, what are you really doing?
The problem is, we’ve been told to view objection or a lack of consensus as a problem rather than the mark of possible progress.
We don’t like objection. We don’t like to stand in the face of a glaring eye or a word of disapproval or…even worse…someone who likes us the way THEY think we should be and says, “I’m so disappointed in you…” when we veer from the story they have for us.
Look at what happens in the cesspool of social media. Everyone gets on there to “get the word out,” because you “have to” if you don’t want to be invisible.
But these are all lies. Even worse, social media isn’t designed for YOU, it’s designed to control. It allows the masses access to each other so those with voices that run counter to “consensus” (which is the code word designed by those who hide in the shadows, the ones who already have a plan for your life) can be cut down and tamed.
Pretty soon, people stop saying what they REALLY think for fear of retribution and start saying things that will produce the feedback they want. These are things to which no one can object. Things that are devoid of truth. Things that use a lot of words to say nothing.
It’s worldwide self-censorship that’s completely invisible to most.
People agreeing with you, supporting you, following you is not necessary to transform the world. YOU agreeing with you, YOU supporting you, YOU following your own truth IS required if you hope to leave the world better than you found it.
If you’re not getting the traction you want in your business, perhaps you haven’t yet developed the willingness to show the world who you really are?
The business books will tell you to work on your product or find a better market, but those are all secondary issues that pale in comparison to the power of going out there and demonstrating the real you without apology.
Is it a bigger failure to never achieve “success” as the world would define it for you or to never truly live as the being you are here to be?
That’s the question we each get to answer for ourselves.