Mountains of Arizona
Winter Again with Hail 46 Degrees
2:02 p.m.

Today on a coaching call, my client was explaining the journey he’s made over the past year or two in terms of his understanding of feelings and how they relate to business.

He realized that all of the things he wanted in business were actually because he was searching to create specific feelings.

He wanted to arrange the circumstances of his business in order to create a specific feeling inside of himself.

First he realized that understanding. Most people don’t get this far 🙂

But then he went further…

Next he realized he could have the feeling despite the circumstances.

So even if he didn’t get the circumstances he wanted, he could come back to the feeling. This is a major step. Step 2 of 3 from my perspective.

They say you should start with the end in mind.

I say, just start at the end.

The destination most people think they want is the very place they must START the journey.

The very feeling they want as the RESULT is actually the raw material they should be using as the INPUT.

You know why they say “fake it ’til you make it?” That’s a silly saying that hides the truth in plain sight.

You embody the vibration of DONE and your creative capacity makes it so over time.

Another way to phrase it, including some rhyme is:

Be it until you see it.

When you operate from this perspective, you take back control of your creative power.