Achieving OKness

Mountains of Arizona
Clear and Cold 33 Degrees
6:31 a.m.

Why do people stay in jobs they hate?

Why do people work with people they can’t stand?

Why do people remain silent when their heart yearns to speak?

Why do people convince themselves to choose the path that is “safe and practical” when all they want to do is venture off into the forest and play?

Why do people resist change when that is all they want at their deepest levels?

Why do so many people who dream about “spreading their wings” and flying off in the direction of their truth, spend their days talking about that possibility rather than living it?

The world has trained you to believe that if you conform to the rules, if you do everything “right,” you will be OK.

But that training is delivered to obscure a secret so great, that if it were discovered by the masses, the entire control structure would cease to exist.

What is this secret?

It is a knowing.

A knowing that you are already “OK.” You were OK years ago. You are OK now. You are OK forever.

If you can believe THAT, then the purpose of life is no longer about doing the things you need to do to be “OK.”

The purpose of life then moves to using the creative expression of WHO YOU ARE to change the world for the better.

The “safety” we were taught to seek is an illusion designed as a trap. Trade it in for truly living.