Mountains of Arizona
Cloudy 41 Degrees
4:34 a.m.
It’s not hard to get up at 3:30 in the morning when you go to bed at 8.
It’s not hard to send a helpful message out to the world every day when that’s what you want to do.
It’s not hard to start a business when your current work makes you feel dead on the inside.
It’s not hard to be grateful in all things, every day, if that’s your habit.
Hard and easy are stories.
There are things you want and there are things you don’t want.
Move closer to the things you want and away from the things you don’t want.
“But I can’t do that until X. I have to do X and THEN I’ll be able to make progress.”
This is programmed B.S. That’s not the real you. You are a limitless eternal being currently occupying one of the most magical biological vehicles ever known.
Humans who have the ability to live their lives and conduct their affairs with their HEART do not speak like this.
But you have to willfully ignore the thinking conventions that have been setup so that you never become the best version of yourself.
Don’t try to “overcome” them, just refuse to acknowledge them as real.
You literally have the power to create. That ability was hidden and projected OUTSIDE of everyone in an attempt for that secret to be forgotten.
One example of this is money.
Money is the belief in the myth that value could possibly exist outside of YOU and nature.
Money is the material manifestation of the belief that there exists a step between your intentions and making those things real.
It’s devious and genius, I’ll admit that.
But look at the world. Everyone is scurrying around to get “money” SO THAT they can really do what they want.
But right there is the lie. The “so that” part is the lie. It’s made up so that you willingly direct the majority of your life force to chasing money.
If you can’t see this lie yet, you’ll think I’m crazy.
If you CAN see it, your heart will tell you what the right path is for you. You don’t need more than that to change everything.
“That’s hard and risky. I could never do that” are not helpful things to say.
They are simply clues that you have not yet fully accepted that you have no limits.