Mountains of Arizona
Sunny and Windy 52 Degrees
11:38 a.m.
Traditional service providers are not used to getting paid for “nothing.” In fact, the vast majority of them have done an excellent job training clients that thinking has little to no value. Only doing has value.
Take the Incomparable Expert Transformation. That’s a process I offer where there’s not a lot of “doing.” The focus is on crafting a way for a service provider to SHOW UP DIFFERENT and channel the core of who they are into a competitive advantage. There is a lot of thinking. But all of the work is virtually invisible to anyone but me.
The thing that gets spit out at the end of the process is just a few pages long. And yet, the ideas that come out of that process are the golden foundation on which you can build an entire business.
The first way to deal with the training MOST of your future clients have received about what is valuable and what is not valuable is to stop perpetuating it.
It’s a total lie, by the way, that your ideas, advice and counsel are of less value than you actually DOING something.
The next step is to never again give away what is so valuable.
In other words, you have to work into your offerings (and the way you talk about them) the idea that much of the value delivered actually comes in the form of thoughts, ideas, clarity, direction and all of those “invisible” assets.
You simply choose to stop giving away advice and figure out how to package up that same advice in a way that makes it attractive.
But first, you have to believe it has value.
The first sale, as they say, is always to yourself.