You’ve Been Promoted!

The Client Letter
October 17, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 63 Degrees

A little dose of “KAPOW” for you today.

It’s a small mindset shift that makes a huge impact. If you like what you read, get the full treatment here.

Here we go…

When you engage with a client, it’s easy to see yourself as working “for” them. They pay you and you do what they want, right?

I’ve always been allergic to thoughts like that.

I left the job world because I was psychologically unemployable.

I didn’t leave in order to go get another job… I left to chart my own path.

You’re not working FOR your client. That’s really not a helpful mindset to have going in. It causes you to make stupid decisions.

With a mindset like that, your aim becomes pleasing your client. Just like street smart employees know they have to please their boss. Sad maybe, but it’s true.

If you’ve read this letter for more than a few days, you already know I don’t consider pleasing your clients a smart goal.

You don’t work “for” your client.

You’re working WITH your client.

You are partnering with them in pursuit of a common goal.

This is extremely simple and extremely powerful.

When you go in as a partner (even if it’s only in your head at first) EVERYTHING is different. You will make smarter decisions for you, you will make smarter decisions for them.

So congrats… you’ve just been promoted to “partner.”